Fast boat from Gili Islands to Padang Bai

Fast Boat from Gili Islands and Lombok to Padang Bai


IDR 250K

Semayaone fast boat


  • Gili Trawangan : 11.30 am
  • Gili Air : 11.45 am
  • Bangsal (Lombok): 12.15 pm
  • Padang Bai : 14.30 pm

Eka Jaya Fast Boat

IDR 500K

eka jaya fast boat


  • Gili Trawangan : 11.00 am
  • Gili Air : 11.15 am
  • Bangsal (Lombok) : 11.30 am
  • Padang Bai : 13.30 pm


IDR 250K

Ganggari fast boat


  • Gili Trawangan : 11.30 am
  • Gili Air : 11.45 am
  • Bangsal (Lombok): 12.15 pm
  • Padang Bai : 14.30 pm

Wahana Fast Boat

IDR 350K


  • Gili Trawangan : 11.00 am
  • Gili Air : 11.15 am
  • Bangsal (Lombok) : 11.30 am
  • Padang Bai : 13.30 pm

Gili Gili Fast Boat

IDR 350K

Gili gili Fast Boat


  • Gili Trawangan : 11.30 am
  • Gili Air : 11.45 am
  • Bangsal (Lombok): 12.15 pm
  • Padang Bai : 14.30 pm

Golden Queen Fast Boat

IDR 300K

golden queen fast boat


  • Gili Trawangan : 11.00 am
  • Gili Air : 11.15 am
  • Bangsal (Lombok) : 11.30 am
  • Padang Bai : 13.30 pm

Ostina Fast Boat

IDR 250K

Ostina fast Boat


  • Gili Trawangan : 11.30 am
  • Gili Air : 11.45 am
  • Bangsal (Lombok): 12.15 pm
  • Padang Bai : 14.30 pm

Wijaya Perkasa

IDR 250K

Wijaya Perkasa


  • Gili Trawangan : 11.30 am
  • Gili Air : 11.45 am
  • Bangsal (Lombok): 12.15 pm
  • Padang Bai : 14.30 pm

The fast boat service from the Gili Islands to Padang Bai is undeniably one of the most sought-after and convenient routes available to travelers. Numerous fast boat companies operate along this route due to several compelling reasons. Foremost among them is the strategic location of Padang Bai Harbor, which not only stands as the closest harbor to the Gili Islands but also happens to be one of Bali’s largest and most prominent maritime hubs, serving both local and all Indonesias ferry services.

For travelers based on the serene Gili Islands who are looking to return to Bali, opting for a fast boat destined for Padang Bai is the wisest choice. Beyond the cost-effectiveness of these Padang Bai-bound fast boats when compared to those heading to Sanur or Serangan, several other reasons make this choice highly attractive:

  1. Fast boats from the Gili Islands to Padang Bai offer the shortest travel time and the most direct route, taking approximately 2 hours to reach their destination, even with brief stops at Gili Air and Bangsal along the way.

  2. Almost every fast boat operator, with the exception of Eka Jaya Fast Cruise, provides a shuttle bus service. This invaluable service ensures that passengers can smoothly transition from the port to their final destination in Bali, with popular areas such as Ubud, Sanur, Denpasar, Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu, Jimbaran, and many more within easy reach.

  3. The affordability of these fast boats bound for Padang Bai is a significant advantage, especially when compared to the alternatives of traveling to Sanur or Serangan.

  4. Travelers will find a wide array of departure times to suit their schedules. The Padang Bai-bound fast boats offer multiple departure options, starting as early as 9:00 AM and continuing through 10:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and even stretching into the late afternoon until 3:30 PM. This flexibility is highly advantageous for tourists and travelers with various itineraries and preferences, making it easier for them to plan their journey from the Gili Islands to Bali. Whether departing for leisure or business, the fast boat service to Padang Bai ensures a hassle-free and convenient experience.

From Gili Trawangan

Fast Boat From Gili Trawangan to Padang Bai. There is a plethora of Fast Boat operators facilitating travel from the picturesque Gili Trawangan to Padang Bai, each offering a diverse range of services, departure schedules, and prices. It’s imperative to understand that all fast boats departing from Gili Trawangan to Padang Bai make essential stops at Gili Air and Bangsal Lombok. As a consequence, the overall travel time from Gili Trawangan to Padang Bai is extended to approximately 2.5 hours.

For travelers seeking a premium experience, albeit at a higher cost, we recommend opting for renowned fast boat services such as Eka Jaya Fast Boat, Wahana Fast Boat, Gili Gili Fast Boat, Ostina, and possibly Manta Express. These particular fast boats are equipped with air conditioning within the cabin, enhancing the overall comfort of the journey. However, it’s worth noting that occasional maintenance or unforeseen circumstances may result in temporary disruptions to the air conditioning service.

On the other hand, for those budget-conscious travelers, there are fast boat options available at a more economical price point. While these boats may not have air conditioning, they compensate with ample ventilation through numerous windows. If your departure point is Gili Trawangan, you have the added advantage of selecting your preferred seat, as the initial stop for fast boats from Padang Bai to the Gili Islands is at Gili Trawangan. Notable fast boats offering relatively lower prices include Semayaone, Ganggari, Inami, and the latest addition, Wijaya Perkasa.

A crucial point to keep in mind is the mandatory harbor tax that must be paid when entering or leaving Gili Trawangan, amounting to IDR 10,000 per person. To ensure a smooth process, it is advisable to have cash readily available for this purpose. This tax contributes to the upkeep and maintenance of the harbor facilities, facilitating a more organized and secure travel experience for all passengers.

From Gili Air

Fast Boat From Gili Air to Padang Bai. Gili Air is the second stop, following Gili Trawangan, for fast boats traveling from Padang Bai to the Gili Islands. The distance between these two Gilis is approximately 10 minutes, and an additional 10 minutes is typically required for landing, disembarking, and boarding passengers.

Gili Air, with its serene ambiance and vibrant marine life, serves as a captivating mid-journey pause for travelers. This small island is renowned for its crystal-clear turquoise waters, inviting snorkeling spots, and laid-back atmosphere. During the brief stopover, passengers often have the opportunity to admire the picturesque surroundings and perhaps even indulge in a quick exploration of the local charm that Gili Air has to offer.

The convenience of this stop lies not only in its scenic allure but also in its functional aspect. Fast boats use this interlude to ensure a smooth transition for passengers, allowing for the orderly exit of those disembarking and the seamless boarding of new travelers. The process is efficient, and the 10-minute layover becomes a pleasant interlude in the overall fast boat journey, contributing to a well-paced and enjoyable travel experience.

From Bangsal Lombok

Bangsal Harbor serves as the final port of call for all fast boats departing from the Gili Islands to Padang Bai, with the exception of Eka Jaya Fast Boat, which has a route to Senggigi.

One notable feature of Bangsal Harbor Lombok is its spacious capacity, which helps prevent lengthy queues commonly experienced at Bangsal Harbor Gili Trawangan and Gili Air. The distance from Gili Air to Bangsal Harbor is just under 10 minutes, and the landing process, involving the disembarkation and embarkation of passengers, typically takes around 10 minutes.

For those departing from Bangsal Harbor to Padang Bai via fast boat, the estimated travel time is less than 2 hours. This makes it an ideal choice for travelers who prefer a shorter journey. Besides its efficiency, Bangsal Harbor also serves as a gateway to various other adventures. It is a starting point for excursions such as Komodo Trip, Waterfall Tours, Rinjani Trekking, and other tours exploring the diverse attractions of Lombok.

Choosing Bangsal Harbor as the point of embarkation not only ensures a swift journey to Padang Bai but also opens up possibilities for exploring the broader beauty and adventure that the region has to offer. Whether you are in pursuit of marine wonders, natural landscapes, or cultural experiences, Bangsal Harbor becomes a strategic and convenient launchpad for your exploration of the enchanting destinations beyond the Gili Islands.

Other fast boat routes and destinations.

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