Exploring the Beauty of Gili Trawangan | Facts and History

Gili Trawangan, one of the renowned tourist attractions on Lombok Island, offers stunning natural beauty and attracts numerous travelers. Although known as a small island with beautiful beaches and diverse, untouched marine life, there are many unique and interesting facts you may not be aware of about Gili Trawangan. Let’s delve into some of the Unique Facts about Gili Trawangan that will undoubtedly enhance your travel experience.

Historical Gili Trawangan

The origin of the name Gili Trawangan has two versions circulating among the locals. While there is no authentic research confirming its origin, both versions add an intriguing aspect to the island’s history.

According to the first version, in the Sasak language, “Gili” means a small island, while “Trawangan” comes from the word “Terangang,” referring to the turtle nesting on the island in the past. The term “Terangang” gradually transformed over time into “Trawangan,” which became popular and has been passed down to the present day.

The second version highlights the Japanese occupation era when Gili Trawangan was utilized by Japanese forces to spy on enemy ships. The local community, less proficient in the Indonesian language at the time, consistently referred to this activity as “Trawangan,” eventually becoming the name of the island.


Gili Trawangan beach

Although there are three ethnic groups residing on the island – Bugis, Sasak, and Mandar Balanipa – the dominance currently leans towards the Bugis and Sasak communities. Interactions and marriages between these two ethnic groups gave rise to a new ethnicity known as Busak (Bugis-Sasak), which now predominates the population of Gili Trawangan. The language and customs of the Busak people significantly differ from the Sasak language and customs commonly found on Lombok Island.

Strategic Location

The presence of Gili Trawangan in a strategic location has a positive impact on tourism in the surrounding areas, including Bali and Lombok. Its easily accessible location makes it a favorite destination for tourists from both islands. Gili Trawangan is not just a small island with natural beauty but also serves as a thriving hub for tourism activities beneficial to the surrounding region.

By delving deeper into the fascinating facts and history contained within, your journey to Gili Trawangan will become more memorable and captivating. Don’t miss out on the unique experiences and natural beauty that await on this island. Happy exploring Gili Trawangan!

Why Gili Trawangan are Unique

Gili Trawangan’s magnetic allure extends beyond its shores, impacting not just Lombok but also Bali, creating a cultural crossroads. The constant flow of tourists from diverse backgrounds contributes to a melting pot of cultures on the island. It’s not just a geographical convergence but a meeting point for global travelers seeking a slice of paradise. The cultural exchange between tourists and the local Busak community enriches the overall experience, making Gili Trawangan a unique blend of traditions and modernity.

The strategic location of Gili Trawangan has prompted a focus on sustainable tourism practices in the region. Both Bali and Lombok are compelled to adopt eco-friendly initiatives, as Gili Trawangan sets an example for responsible tourism. The conservation efforts for marine life, coral reefs, and the overall environment have become a shared responsibility, leading to a positive impact on both major islands.

Gili Trawangan’s strategic position has spurred economic growth not only on the island but also in Bali and Lombok. Local businesses, from transport services to accommodations, flourish due to the constant influx of tourists. Entrepreneurs and vendors benefit from the bustling tourism, providing unique experiences and products that contribute to the economic vibrancy of the entire region.

The culinary scene in Gili Trawangan is a testament to the island’s influence on neighboring Bali. Local eateries and restaurants draw inspiration from both Balinese and Sasak cuisines, creating a fusion of flavors that captivates the taste buds of visitors. This culinary exchange enriches the gastronomic landscape, making Gili Trawangan a sought-after destination for food enthusiasts.

Gili Trawangan’s accessibility has given rise to a dynamic transportation network connecting Bali, Lombok, and the Gili Islands. Fast boats, shuttle buses, and other transport services have evolved to cater to the diverse needs of travelers. The collaborative effort between Bali and Lombok to enhance transportation infrastructure has transformed the region into a seamless travel hub, benefiting the tourism sectors of both islands.

In essence, Gili Trawangan’s strategic significance radiates far beyond its palm-fringed shores. It acts as a nexus of cultural exchange, sustainable tourism practices, economic prosperity, culinary innovation, and efficient transportation networks, influencing not just Lombok but also the vibrant island of Bali. The symbiotic relationship between these islands creates a harmonious tapestry of experiences for those seeking the perfect tropical getaway.


Access to Gili Trawangan and Positive Impact on Bali

Bali also experiences positive impacts because of the easy accessibility from Bali to Gili Trawangan through maritime routes. Every day, thousands of foreign tourists travel from Bali to Gili Trawangan using fast boat transportation. It’s common to encounter many foreigners strolling around Gili Trawangan. Tourism professionals in Lombok have chosen Gili Trawangan as their flagship destination when promoting their tourism products. Due to its proximity, tourists can tour Gili Trawangan for a day and return to Lombok in the evening without the need for overnight stays.

The strategic location of Gili Trawangan benefits the two major islands nearby, Bali and Lombok, significantly contributing to the advancement of their tourism industries. However, administratively, Gili Trawangan falls within the jurisdiction of Lombok Island: North Lombok Regency, Pemenang Subdistrict, and Gili Indah Village.

Access to Gili Trawangan

This small island, adorned with beautiful beaches and coral reefs, attracts tourists from various parts of the world. Some visitors, eager to vacation in Gili Trawangan, may not be familiar with the clear and detailed routes or access points to reach the island. For those new to or have not visited Gili Trawangan, here are several routes to access the island

1. From Lombok

From Lombok Airport: For those planning to vacation in Lombok and visit Gili Trawangan, we recommend starting from Lombok Airport. You can depart from Lombok Airport through the Bypass route, heading to Mataram City, then reaching Senggigi. From Senggigi, you can go to Bangsal Harbor or Teluk Nare. At the harbor, you will board a boat to cross to Gili Trawangan, approximately a 20-minute journey. If you prefer a hassle-free experience, you can book a Lombok tour package that includes a trip to Gili Trawangan through the 17Tour Agency.

From Lembar Harbor: For backpackers arriving from Lembar Harbor, you can take public transportation with a route from Lembar Harbor to Senggigi. From Senggigi, you can then take a shuttle bus heading to Bangsal Harbor or Teluk Nare and board a boat to Gili Trawangan


Bangsal port

From Bali

From Bali: After enjoying your holiday in Bali, consider taking a tour to Gili Air from Bali. You can go to Padang Bay Harbor and then take a fast boat to Gili Air, with costs around:

  • PADANG BAI: 250K/Person (One Way), 2 hours
  • NUSA PENIDA: 350K/Person (One Way), 3 hours
  • NUSA LEMBONGAN: 350K/Person (One Way), 3 hours
  • SANUR: 400K/Person (One Way), 3.5 hours
  • SERANGAN: 750K/Person (One Way), 4 hours

For more information, you can check the Bali Gili Fast Boat website or other fast boat service providers between Bali and Lombok.

Using a Fast Boat to reach the marvel of Gili Trawangan from the island of Bali has become an increasingly enjoyable experience thanks to the presence of fast boats that are fast and comfortable. Eliminating the concerns of exhausting overland travel, the fast boat serves as a shortcut for adventurers craving the beauty of this tropical island. Travelers can choose from various departure options, starting from the ports of Serangan and Sanur, which are close to Denpasar, to major ports like Padang Bai.

The journey via a fast boat not only saves time but also brings an unforgettable sea adventure. In a span of 1.5 to 3 hours, passengers can experience a different sensation compared to overland or air travel. Some fast boat companies even provide direct pick-up services from hotels in Bali, ensuring comfort and convenience from the beginning of the journey.

Gili Trawangan itself challenges visitors with its enchanting white sandy beaches, captivating underwater life, and vibrant nightlife. With modern facilities and friendly service, the fast boat is not just a means of transportation but also a unique gateway to enter the enchanting world of Gili Trawangan from Bali.

Actifities to Do In Gili Trawangan

Tourism players in Gili Trawangan are committed to providing unforgettable experiences for visitors to this island by offering a variety of facilities for various activities during their vacation. The diversity of tourism activity services in Gili Trawangan makes tourists want to linger and fully enjoy the charm of this island. Here are some tourist activities that can be enjoyed in Gili Trawangan.

1. Snorkeling in Beautiful Spots in Gili Trawangan

When vacationing in Gili Trawangan, Snorkeling Trip becomes one of the most sought-after activities by tourists. Snorkeling provides an opportunity to witness the natural beauty of the underwater world in Gili Trawangan, with cute fish and colorful coral reefs. Visitors can join the Snorkeling Trip 3 Gili, which takes place from 9 am to 3 pm at a cost of Rp. 150.000 per person. Alternatively, they can also rent a private Boat Snorkeling for a personal experience at a cost of around 1.2 million Rupiah per trip to 3 Gili.

snorkeling trip Gili Trawangan

2. Cycling Around Gili Trawangan

For those who are not so interested in activities on the water, cycling around is the perfect way to enjoy the beauty of Gili Trawangan. Tourists can explore villages that are rarely known to many. The cost of renting a bike is around Rp. 100,000 per day.

Gili Trawangan Cycling

3. Touring Gili Trawangan with Cidomo

This tourist activity in Gili Trawangan is popular among mothers or tourists who prefer not to exert too much effort. Using Cidomo (horse-drawn carriage), tourists will be taken to explore the beauty of this small island, with a cost of Rp. 300,000 per Cidomo, which can accommodate 3 people.


4. Glass Bottom Boat Tour Gili Trawangan

For those who cannot snorkel, the Glass Bottom Boat Tour is an interesting option. Boatmen will take you to beautiful natural locations where you can see marine life through the transparent floor of the boat. The cost of renting a Glass Bottom Boat is around Rp. 850,000 for one trip to various beautiful spots.

Glass bottom boat

5. Horse Riding

Before most people visit the Gili Islands, they are aware that there are no cars or motorized vehicles on the island. The main modes of transportation are bicycle or horse and cart (cidomo). When you arrive at the harbor, you will notice many of these cidomos waiting to take you to your accommodation. What many people don’t know is that horseback riding is also available on Gili Trawangan. On the sunset side of the island, there are many horses waiting on the beach for people to hop on for the ultimate Instagram photo.

Gili trawangan horse riding

From the numerous travel information about Gili Trawangan that we have outlined above, it can certainly serve as a reference before you vacation on this beautiful island. You can prepare yourself to come to Gili Trawangan and stay for a few days. If you don’t want to hassle with organizing your vacation on Gili Trawangan, you can book a 17Tour Agency that includes a trip to Gili Trawangan, undoubtedly with the assurance of the best prices.
