bali gili fast boat official

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EKA JAYA FAST BOAT is one of the fast boats that departs from Padang Bai harbor. This fast boat is renowned for its excellent service and well-equipped vessel. Eka Jaya Fast Boat stands out as the most comfortable mode of transport when venturing to the Gili Islands. Apart from its spacious dimensions, this fast boat boasts convenient features such as full air conditioning and expansive cabin areas. Despite its relatively higher pricing compared to other fast boats, Eka Jaya Fast Boat remains one of the most sought-after transportation options by travelers.

The distinctive feature of Eka Jaya Fast Boat is its departure point from Padang Bai harbor. This strategic location offers travelers a direct link to the Gili Islands, making it a convenient choice for those eager to experience the beauty of these destinations.

The reputation of Eka Jaya Fast Boat is built on its commitment to providing top-notch service and a comfortable journey. The vessel’s ample size ensures ample space for passengers, and the inclusion of full air conditioning guarantees a pleasant environment even in the warm tropical climate. Moreover, the spacious cabin area enhances the overall travel experience by allowing passengers to move freely and comfortably during the journey.

It’s worth noting that while the cost of Eka Jaya Fast Boat may be relatively higher compared to other options, travelers often find that the level of comfort, convenience, and quality of service justifies the investment. Many tourists actively seek out Eka Jaya Fast Boat due to its reputation for reliability and the added value it brings to their travel experience.

Boat Specification: 

Eka Jaya Fast Boat, Aluminum Boat With A Long 23 Meters And Equipped With 4x Volvo D16 750HP. Brand New Engine To Ensure Passenger Safety With A Comfortable Capacity For 210 Passengers, Cruising At 35 Knots And Equipped With Safety Equipment, daily Route from or to Padangbai, Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, Gili Air, Bangsal and Senggigi (Lombok).

Eka Jaya Fast Boat Exterior
Eka Jaya Fast Boat Interior


For the destination of Gili Meno, Eka Jaya Fast Boat facilitates small boat transfers from the Gili Trawangan harbor to cross over to Gili Meno.

Advantages Using Eka Jaya Fast Boat
  1. Large Vessel Size: The spacious size of the boat minimizes the effects of rough waves during turbulent conditions, ensuring a smoother ride even in choppy seas.
  2. Full Air Conditioning and Spacious Cabin: The availability of full air conditioning and generous cabin space creates a comfortable and pleasant environment for passengers throughout the journey.
  3. Punctuality: Eka Jaya Fast Boat is known for its punctual departure and arrival times, providing passengers with a reliable and efficient travel experience.
  4. Passenger Capacity Management: The company does not exceed its passenger capacity, guaranteeing that every passenger is allocated a seat. This commitment to safety and comfort sets a high standard for the travel experience.
Disadvantages Using eka jaya fast boat
  1. Higher Price Tag: One of the drawbacks is that Eka Jaya Fast Boat tends to have a higher ticket price compared to other boat options, which might be less budget-friendly for some travelers.

  2. No Shuttle Bus Services: Unlike some other providers, Eka Jaya Fast Boat does not offer shuttle bus services. This means that travelers won’t have the option to be picked up from their specific location, potentially causing some inconvenience in terms of transportation to the departure point.

  3. Advanced Booking Requirement: Another limitation is that passengers are required to make bookings at least a week in advance. This can be a drawback for those who require transportation on short notice, as there might not be availability for same-day bookings.

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